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If you are new here, you can start reading the list of podcast hosts we’ve reviewed such as Buzzsprout to give you an idea of how you can compare podcast statistics. If you are just looking to start a podcast, consider these steps, and choose the right host to match your needs.

Podcasts are getting popular in 2020, just as blogs were in 2004. It’s no surprise that in 2019, more than 1/3 of Americans, ~103 million will listen to one or more podcasts. This is a sharp increase and this is part of a trend that has seen the growth in the number of Americans listening to podcasts.

Podcast Audience Growth
2018 2019 2020
Podcast Audience Growth

Most podcasts hosts provide some sort of data to give you some insight into how your audience engaged with you during the session. Whether you use the top-rated podcasts such as Podbean or other emerging platforms such as Audioboom.

Key Podcast Statistics To Note

  1. Expected growth in podcasts is big: In 2019 there were 86 million podcasters in the US and this is expected to grow to 132 million by 2022, a 53% increase in 3 years!
  2. South American countries, specifically Chile, Mexico, Peru, and Argentina as well as China are expected to see tremendous growth.
  3. Podcasts are most popular in South Korea as 58% of the population listen to podcasts.
  4. There are over 700,000 podcasts on Apple store alone and Google claims to have indexed more than 2 million podcasts
  5. The podcast advertising revenue has grown from $169 million in 2016, $400 million in 2018 and is expected to grow to $1.6 B in 2022.
  6. On average, 38% of podcast listeners have purchased products or services mentioned on those podcasts.
  7. There are more male(56%) to female (44%) that listen to podcasts with 34 million women having listened to at least one podcast in 2019.
Related Helpful Reading:   Simplecast
podcast audience by race and ethnicity

Buzzsprout New Stats Feature