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In my experience, the best email autoresponder to use for ClickFunnels is AWeber. This does not however mean that it is the only email autoresponder that you can use for your ClickFunnels account.  Below are some of the 10 best email autoresponder for ClickFunnels:

  • AWeber
  • ConvertKit
  • Actionetics
  • ActiveCampaign
  • ConstantContact
  • GetResponse
  • Hubspot
  • Keap (Infusionsoft)

I would recommend using AWeber because not only does it have a user-friendly interface, but it also includes customer tracking along with your tags. Further, you can be able to create multiple forms under one account. Thereby, you will be able to effectively be able to market multiple products and/or services using one interface.

Before we get into that, let’s first try to understand what ClickFunnels really is, and why they are essential for your online marketing strategies.

What is ClickFunnels?

The short version is that ClickFunnels is really just an online sales funnel builder that enables you to be able to effectively manage, market, and sell your products online. ClickFunnels enables most companies to be able to effectively set up or develop various online marketing strategies that are profitable to their businesses.

ClickFunnels ensures that all the elements that you need in order to run an effective and efficient online sales funnels are readily available for use. In fact, you can be able to build your sales funnels from scratch or simply choose from the multiple template collection that it has provided for different industries.

But then…

You might be wondering how sales & marketing funnels work in general.

First off, think of a sales funnel as a marketing strategy. Then think of a marketing strategy that involves turning users on the web into potential customers or even recurring customers. It then would make sense of how sales & marketing funnels operate like typical physical funnels. Consolidating multiple internet users and directing them towards a single market point.

Essentially, you will find that you will naturally want to direct all of the sales within a specified industry towards your business such that the users will have the option to be actionable to your products and/or services.

Even so, as not all users who go through the funnel will end up purchasing your product and/or service, the main goal of the sales & marketing funnel to generate enough relevant traffic on your business website such that only a few users will be filtered out of your business sales line.

So How Does ClickFunnels Work?

ClickFunnels offers the best sales & marketing tools for small businesses and especially for entrepreneurs. You will find that the only major barrier between you and your dream is the tech skills needed to exponent your business to higher scales. You might have the right idea, the means to do it, and even the skills to make it happen but get stuck at reaching your target audience.

You do not have to worry about reaching your target market with ClickFunnels. In fact, you will find that ClickFunnels readily provides various templates that incorporate all the relative marketing elements that you need depending on your business industry and needs. Furthermore, ClickFunnels tools have been geared specifically to entice new customers into being recurring customers. Depending on your type of business or the business industry, you can preview to various ClickFunnels pages such as:

  • Optin Pages
  • Presell Pages
  • Order Forms
  • Subscription Pages
  • Thank You Pages
  • Sales Pages
  • One Time Offers (OTOs)
  • Affiliate Pages
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Benefits of ClickFunnels

ClickFunnels has various advantages that make it the most suitable software marketing tool for your business.

  • For starters, ClickFunnels is very cost-efficient. As compared to traditional online sales funnels, ClickFunnels is able to provide different service providers for different marketing needs. You will get the web hosting, landing pages, as well as email autoresponders all under the same package. Traditional sales marketing strategies would have seen you get each of these services from different service providers.
  • Similarly, ClickFunnels enables you to save valuable time. As you might all know, time is money, and we cannot afford to waste money. ClickFunnels saves you your time and money by providing all the relevant needs of your business with easier accessibility. This time can be instead be used to further create or improve the quality of your products and/or services such that you have the best services in the business industry.
  • To sweeten the pot, ClickFunnels is very user – friendly. It makes it easy for novice users to use the platform and be able to get the relative benefits of utilizing the online sales marketing funnel for improved business marketing. You will find that there are also various testing tools in ClickFunnels that let you test the effectiveness and efficiency of your interface.

Why Autoresponders are necessary for ClickFunnels

You might be wondering, with all the relevant marketing strategies involved in ClickFunnels, why would you need an autoresponder for ClickFunnels? It is simple; ClickFunnels utilizes a wide approach where a large number of internet users visiting your site would be pulled towards accessing your products and/or services. As such, an autoresponder is an email marketing message that is automatically sent to any individuals visiting or subscribing to your business website.

An autoresponder is very essential as it keeps the various users up to date with the current business interests and progress. It enables you to effectively keep in touch with your customers as well as luring in potential customers on new company offers, discounts, and promotions, among others.

In fact, ClickFunnels has its in-built autoresponder that is able to reach out to your customers and keep them updated on important business updates. Actionetics is able to perform various functions that will ensure an ideal communication platform between you and your customers. Nonetheless, you can opt to use third-party autoresponders if you need autoresponder services not available on Actionetics. Listed below are 8 suitable email autoresponders that can be integrated with ClickFunnels:

Best Email Autoresponders for ClickFunnels


AWeber is my number one choice for email autoresponders that you can integrate with ClickFunnels out there. First off, it is hard for any other email autoresponder to beat the relative experience acquired by AWeber since its inception at the beginning of the 21st century. In fact, it has been the autoresponder of choice for bloggers and business websites as it has been in the email service provision game for years.

Related Helpful Reading:   Best Email Marketing for Law Firms

Aweber features include:

  • It is user-friendly
  • Customer tracking with Tags
  • Allows creation of multiple forms
  • Has an expert customer service

You can check out the steps to integrate Clickfunnel with Aweber on Aweber’s website here.


ConvertKit is yet another valiant email autoresponder that is best known for its affordability as well as an easy email segmentation process. Even so, you will find that most of the autoresponder services are similar to those of Aweber and Follow-up Funnels.

ConvertKit autoresponder features include:

  • Easy visual automation editor – straightforward and easy to use
  • Resend campaigns – ConvertKit will allow you to resend email campaigns if you find that you have a high unopened email rate
  • A segment within emails – you can be able to alter specific emails to suit your select target market without changing the main message

You can check out the details to integrate Convertkit with Clickfunnels on Clickfunnel’s website here.

Actionetics (Follow-Up Funnels)

Actionetics is ClickFunnel’s very own in-house email autoresponder that integrates seamlessly with the sales and marketing funnel. It provides a range of features that are more than adequate to suit your business marketing needs.

Some of Actionetics features include:

  • Smart Lists which enable you to segment your email list based on your preferred criteria
  • Unlimited contact addition with no additional cost for service provision
  • Increased automation for network marketing techniques

If you want to access all your sales and marketing funneling functions via one platform, Actionetics is the right email autoresponder for you as it lets you access all of your features in one dashboard.


ActiveCampaign is an ideal email autoresponder that is integrated with ClickFunnels to give you the marketing results that you have been looking for. The email autoresponder has its own CRM platform in addition to providing a complete email marketing automation service.

ActiveCampaign features that you should know…

  • Valiant automation features – the automation features allow users to be able to create their custom email workflows
  • Flexible scalability options that allow businesses to grow seamlessly
  • Resends successful campaigns

ActiveCampaign has more details on their website here.

Constant Contact

Constant Contact is one of the most reliable and consistent email autoresponders in the industry. Even as the name suggests, they keep constant contact with the relative users who have visited or subscribed to your business website. Furthermore, Constant Contact has vast experience in the email service provision industry since its inception in 1995 up to date.

Here are some of the Constant Contact features at a glance:

  • Email segmentation support
  • A vast library of email templates
  • It has a relatively easy to flow, email builder, 


If you are looking for a great and quick autoresponder for your online marketing strategy, you should probably consider GetResponse. It is a great email service provider that enables small businesses to achieve exponential growth. Other than providing great email services, it has a built-in CRM platform that enables you to effectively track and manage your generated leads.

Related Helpful Reading:   Best Email Marketing Software 2021

Additional GetResponse features entail:

  • Great visual automation editor
  • Promotion of live events (a feature only available with GetResponse service)
  • The provision of different form types that will enable you to target your specific market niche

It is prudent to argue that allowing different form options allows you to be able to select the specific forms that correlate both to your website as well as the services that you provide. You can read more on GetResponse’s website here.


Again, you cannot talk about the best email autoresponders without considering Hubspot as one of your valiant options. First off, it has a comprehensive CRM platform that enables you to seamlessly run your email marketing functions. More so, you will be able to access numerous marketing and sales software integrations with Hubspot along with email automation.

Hubspot offers a range of features with the most astounding being:

  • Creation of professional email templates
  • Hubspot is mart rules enabled for selected market target identification
  • Optimized email campaigns for improved business performance

You can read more on the steps of integrating on Hubspot’s website here.

Keap (Infusionsoft)

Keap is one of the more advanced autoresponders that provide a great email marketing service when integrated into ClickFunnels. You will find that Keap is an all – in – one CRM that also provides sales and marketing services using the best automation software in the industry. Nonetheless, Keap is mostly famous for its ability to generate helpful leads that improve your business premise.

Let’s take a look at some of Keap’s features:

  • You can be able to send invoices to clients after gallant service delivery
  • With Keap, you can be able to move people through your sales funnel
  • Keap gives you additional features that make it service-provider friendly

ClickFunnel Pricing

By now, we have established the relative importance of using ClickFunnels as your preferred online sales and marketing funnel. Nonetheless, before you make any engagements to the online marketing tool for your business, there are a variety of factors that you need to first consider:

  • The cost of acquiring and using ClickFunnel services
  • Available discount plans
  • Comparisons with other competitor pricing tiers
  • Other product pricing

After considering these factors, you can be able to decide whether ClickFunnels is the best choice for your online sales & marketing strategy.

ClickFunnels has 2 major pricing tiers:

  • Start-up plan
  • Platinum plan

The table below shows the feature provision associated with either subscription package

Start-up PlanPlatinum plan
Starts at $97 per month20 sales funnelsUnlimited leads20,000 monthly visitors allowed3 custom domains3 payment gatewaysLimited to 100 landing pagesEmail IntegrationsOptin funnelsA/B split testing1 SMTP integrationOrder, Upsell and Downsell pagesStarts at $297 per monthIncludes all start-up plan featuresSales funnels unlimitedUnlimited landing pagesUnlimited unique visitorsUnlimited contact leadsUnlimited custom domainsAccess to follow-up funnels (build emails lists, automation)