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This post is part of our podcast guide series and I have compared Podcasts as a media tool Vs other tools such as blogs, videos, webinars, and radio broadcasting.

Podcast vs. Blog

Podcast Blog
1. A podcast is an audio recording uploaded to the internet and available through an RSS feed.1. A blog is a website publishing information, mostly in text form, from a subjective point of view.
2. It is relatively new as the first podcast was broadcasted in the year 2004.   2.  The first blog was published in 1994
3. It requires some degree of technical skill and financial investment in terms of equipment purchase and set up; however, it can be uploaded on a free account like SoundCloud.3. Quite easier to set up. It requires an internet connection and good writing skills; likewise, a free blog website – builder is easy to find on the internet.
4. Although there is progress, podcasts remain difficult to rank on search engines.4. Easily ranks on search engines.  
5. Podcasts create a rich personal touch with the listeners5. Blogs provide a lesser personal touch with readers
6. According to Statista, as of 2019, there were approximately 86 million American podcast listeners a figure that is projected to grow to 132 million by 2020.   There are over 850 000 podcasts on the internet, according to Podcast Insights6. There are over152 million blogs on the internet   77% of all internet users read blogs, this translates to 3.1 billion readers in 2019. (Tech Jury)
7. You can earn anywhere in the range of $18-$50 CPM (Podcasting Hacks)   Well established podcast can make up to $100, 000 per episode. Building an audience takes time and commitment.   Earnings come from advertisements, premium subscriptions among others.7. According to Glassdoor, the annual average income for bloggers in America is $32 999. ( Based on 11 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor)   Earnings come from advertisements, premium subscriptions among others.

Podcast vs. Youtube

Podcast Youtube
1. A podcast is an audio recording uploaded to the internet and available through an RSS feed.1. Youtube is a video sharing-site, though it accepts video podcasts too.
2. The first podcast was broadcasted in the year 2004.2. Youtube was created in 2005 and acquired by Google in 2006.
3. It requires only the listening attention thus perfect for multitasking, for instance, while driving or even cycling.3. Requires the listening as well as the  visual attention of the users
4. It requires some degree of technical skill and financial investment in terms of equipment purchase and set up.  4. It is more expensive to upload a top-quality video on Youtube due to equipment needed as compared to uploading a podcast on the internet.
5. According to Statista, as of 2019, there were approximately 86 million American podcast listeners a figure that is projected to grow to 132 million by 2020.   There are over 850 000 podcasts on the internet, according to Podcast Insights5. According to Statista, as of May 2019, Youtube had 2 billion logged-in monthly users, up from 1.8 billion in May 2018.
6. Features very limited discoverability specs for search engines6. Easily ranks on search engines.
7. According to Podcasting Hacks, podcasts have a higher CPM than Youtube. You can earn anywhere in the range of $18-$50 CPM. Well established podcast can make up to $100, 000 per episode. Building an audience takes time and commitment. Other earnings include premium subscriptions among others.7. According to Influencer MarketingHub, a video creator on Youtube can expect an average income of $ 7.60 per 1, 000 views as advertisers pay a cost per mille(CPM) of between $4 and $10; sometimes as low as $0.10. The CPM varies relative to a niche targeted, season, language among others.

Podcast vs. Radio/radio show

Podcast Radio/radio show
1. A podcast is an audio recording uploaded to the internet and available through an RSS feed.1. A radio show is transmitted across radio waves and is usually limited to a given geographical area
2. Podcasts usually target a particular niche people and topic2. Radio shows target a wide range of listeners
3. There is flexibility in the creation of podcasts in terms of time and duration.3. Radio shows are usually on schedule, therefore, lack the production flexibility.
4. Usually pre-recorded and can be accessed at any time on demand.4. They are live only once – once heard, they are never to be heard again.
5. According to Podcasting Hacks, you can earn anywhere in the range of $18-$50 CPM   Well established podcast can make up to $100, 000 per episode. Building an audience takes time and commitment.   Other earnings include premium subscriptions among others5. Radio CPM rates for day-time spots range between $12-$16 for grown up between the ages of 18 and 49 and $8-$12 for ages 50 and above(source)
6. According to Statista, as of 2019, there were approximately 86 million American podcast listeners a figure that is projected to grow to 132 million by 2020.   There are over 850 000 podcasts on the internet, according to Podcast Insights6. According to UNESCO, radios are everywhere with even at least 75% of households in developing countries having access to a radio.
7. The first podcast was broadcasted in the year 2004.7. According to Wikipedia, by 1950, almost all countries had a radio station managed by the government.
8. It requires some degree of technical skill and financial investment in terms of equipment purchase and set up.8. Setting up a radio station is more expensive. There are licensing costs, engineering fees, cost of all diverse types of equipment, among others.

Podcast vs. Vlog

Podcast  Vlog
1. A podcast is an audio recording uploaded to the internet and available through an RSS feed.1. A vlog is simply a video blog uploaded mostly on Youtube and other video sharing sites like Vimeo.
2. Feature very limited discoverability specs for search engines2. Easily ranks on Google search engine.
3. It requires some degree of technical skill and financial investment in terms of equipment purchase and set up.3. It requires more technical and financial investment, between $300 and $500 in various types of equipment purchase.
4. Podcasts create a rich personal touch with the listeners4. Vlogs create a richer personal touch with the viewers
5. According to Statista, as of 2019, there were approximately 86 million American podcast listeners a figure that is projected to grow to 132 million by 2020.   There are over 850 000 podcasts on the internet, according to Podcast Insights5. A study, published on Statista, to find out the average number of vlogs viewed on a weekly basis by adult viewers, 32% of respondents aged 18-34 years reported viewing 3  different vlogs each week on different social media platforms; in contrast, 26% of respondent aged 35-54 reported the same.
6. According to Podcasting Hacks, you can earn anywhere in the range of $18-$50 CPM   Well established podcast can make up to $100, 000 per episode. Building an audience takes time and commitment.   Other earnings include premium subscriptions among others 6. Most CPM for Youtube vlogs is between $0.30 and $2.50; with a few exceptions making more than $3. (vlogger Pro)   According to Tech Wiser, vloggers on Vimeo can make money via; A tip jar where they get 85% of the tip from pro/plus viewers pay to view model, vloggers get 90%A subscription model where Vimeo keeps $1 per subscriber    
The first podcast was broadcasted in the year 2004. 7. The first vlog was uploaded by a Youtube co-founder, Jawed Karim, in April 2005.

Podcast vs webcast

Podcast  Webcast
1. A podcast is an audio recording uploaded to the internet and available through an RSS feed.1. A webcast is a media content that is usually broadcasted live; commonly referred to as streaming.
2. It is recommended for the promotion of a series of media productions2. It is recommended for companies seeking to reach a wide range of listeners simultaneously
3. Usually pre-recorded and can be accessed at any time on demand.3. Its real-time content e.g a church service
4. According to Podcasting Hacks, you can earn anywhere in the range of $18-$50 CPM   Other earnings include premium subscriptions among others   Well established podcast can make up to $100, 000 per episode. Building an audience takes time and commitment.    4. Broadcasters can make direct sales from the sales presentations. According to BeaconLive, the video streaming industry is projected to be worth $70 billion by 2021.  
5. According to Statista, as of 2019, there were approximately 86 million American podcast listeners a figure that is projected to grow to 132 million by 2020.   There are over 850 000 podcasts on the internet, according to Podcast Insights5. According to BeaconLive, 75% of business executives tune in to work-related videos on business websites at least once a week. Additionally, 81% of online audiences watch more video content year after year.   Studies have further shown that 14% of webcast registrants don’t tune in to the live version but they view the on-demand version; 11% of those who view the online production still tune in to the on-demand version.  
6. The first podcast was broadcasted in the year 2004.           6. The first webcast was broadcasted sometime between 1991 and 1996 after the advent of the world wide web.
7. It requires some degree of technical skill and financial investment in terms of equipment purchase and set up.7. A webcast is definitely more expensive to produce. A hosting service provider quotes a price dependent on factors such as; Length and intricacy; Number of viewers expected. A short video with lower viewers expected can cost below $1,000 while most range between $1,000 and $6,000 (Cost Owl)

Podcast vs Broadcast

Podcast Broadcast
1. A podcast is an audio recording uploaded to the internet and available through an RSS feed.1. A broadcast is any form of media content that is distributed by radio or cable television
2. Available for download by listeners on demand. 2. They are usually not available for download unless under special occasions where media e.g. news clips can be uploaded.
3. According to Podcasting Hacks, you can earn anywhere in the range of $18-$50 CPM   Well established podcast can make up to $100, 000 per episode. Building an audience takes time and commitment.   Other earnings include premium subscriptions among others 3. In the period 2018/2019 broadcast TV upfront buys had a CPM of $36.19, up from $31.97 in the previous season. (Statista)   Radio CPM rates for day-time spots range between $12-$16 for grown up between the ages of 18 and 49 and $8-$12 for ages 50 and above. (Source)
4.According to Statista, as of 2019, there were approximately 86 million American podcast listeners a figure that is projected to grow to 132 million by 2020.   There are over 850 000 podcasts on the internet, according to Podcast Insights 4. TV advertisement accounts for almost 48% of the overall market with the Americas holding more than 44%of the market share. (Report LInker)   A 2019 publication on Statista reports that data on the global TV market showed that there were 1.67 billion pay-television households worldwide, up from 1.64 billion in the previous year
5. The first podcast was broadcasted in the year 2004.5. TV broadcast emerged in the period 1940-1950 while according to Wikipedia, by 1950, almost all countries had a radio station managed by the government.
6. It requires a lesser degree of technical skill and financial investment in terms of types of equipment purchase and set up.6. It requires more technical as well as a financial investment in terms of licensing, equipment purchase, among others to be up and running

Podcast vs. webinar

Podcast  Webinar
1. A podcast is an audio recording uploaded to the internet and available through an RSS feed.1. A webinar is an online seminar; it mostly is a combination of audio and video.
2. Although there is progress, podcasts remain difficult to rank on search engines thus monetization is limited. 2. Most webinars earn money through subscriptions and sign-ups
3. Usually pre-recorded and can be accessed at any time on demand. 3. Webinars are real-time produced.
4. Podcasts reach a wide audience in a particular niche. 4. Webinars serve a relatively smaller audience mostly due to the registration fees imposed
5. According to Podcasting Hacks, you can earn anywhere in the range of $18-$50 CPM   Well established podcast can make up to $100, 000 per episode. Building an audience takes time and commitment.   Other earnings include premium subscriptions among others 5. Most webinars are free but you can still make money by offering premium products.
6. According to Statista, as of 2019, there were approximately 86 million American podcast listeners a figure that is projected to grow to 132 million by 2020.   There are over 850 000 podcasts on the internet, according to Podcast Insights6. 61% of marketers use webinars in their marketing strategy. (Content Marketing Institute)   Ready Talk reports that webinars receive an average of 260 registrations
7. The first podcast was broadcasted in the year 2004.7. In May 1996, Microsoft announced Netmeeting an inbuilt webinar feature in their internet explorer 3.0 browser.
8. It requires a lesser degree of technical skill and financial investment in terms of types of equipment purchase and set up. 8. The cost of producing a webinar varies; it’s at least US$100

Podcast vs. Audiobook

Podcast Audiobook
1. A podcast is an audio recording uploaded to the internet and available through an RSS feed.1. An audiobook is a recorded audio version of a pre-existing physical book, mostly novels.
2. Mostly released in episodes and are available for download 2. Mostly available in a whole single file though downloads are mostly disallowed on most sites.
3. Usually short and easier to listen to; most short versions are 15-30 minutes. 3. Usually long with some extending 50hrs.
4. Podcasts are usually more freely available 4.   An audiobook may be protected by Digital Rights Management and thus not easily accessible.
5. According to Podcasting Hacks, you can earn anywhere in the range of $18-$50 CPM   Well established podcast can make up to $100, 000 per episode. Building an audience takes time and commitment.   Other earnings include premium subscriptions among others 5.  Audiobook’s income in 2018 grew by 24.5 percent totaling US$940 million. (Audio Publishers Association)    An author can expect a certain % of sales from downloads.
6. According to Statista, as of 2019, there were approximately 86 million American podcast listeners a figure that is projected to grow to 132 million by 2020.   There are over 850 000 podcasts on the internet, according to Podcast Insights 6. A 2019 Edison Research and Triton Digital® report shows that the number of US listeners aged 12 and above who have listened to an audiobook listened to an audiobook is finally over 50%, up from 44 percent in 2018
7. The first podcast was broadcasted in the year 2004. 7. Wikipedia reports that by the 1980s, audiobooks had caught the attention of book retailers and they stocked them on shelves.   It was not until 1994 that the Audio Publishers Association established the term “audiobook” as the industry standard.
8. It requires some degree of technical skill and financial investment in terms of types of equipment purchase and set up.     8. According to Wikipedia, the cost to produce an audiobook varies on factors such as the length of a book which influences studio time; established narrators are worth more than amateurs.   However, it is further reported that the cost to produce audiobook has drastically fallen from around US$25,000 in the late 1990s to around US$2,000-US$3,000 in 2014.

Podcast vs video

Podcast Video
1. A podcast is an audio recording uploaded to the internet and available through an RSS feed. 1. A video encompasses both audio and visual elements to achieve the desired output.
2. Podcasts are increasingly becoming popular though not as popular and congested as videos 2. Videos are popular and on the rise as content promoters, for instance, Youtube videos have higher views than even cable TV.
3. Podcasts create a rich personal touch with the listeners 3. Videos offer a more personal touch with the listener due to the added visual element.
4. It requires a lesser degree of technical skill and financial investment in terms of types of equipment purchase and set up. 4. It requires more technical investment to be up and running; whether you do it yourself or outsource
5. According to Podcasting Hacks, you can earn anywhere in the range of $18-$50 CPM   Well established podcast can make up to $100, 000 per episode. Building an audience takes time and commitment.   Other earnings include premium subscriptions among others 5. 64% of viewers proceed to make a purchase after watching branded videos on social platforms. ( Tubular Insights)   Video creators can expect to earn income through advertising, affiliate marketing among others if they meet the required threshold.   CPM rates vary among various video sharing sites.
6. According to Statista, as of 2019, there were approximately 86 million American podcast listeners a figure that is projected to grow to 132 million by 2020.   There are over 850 000 podcasts on the internet, according to Podcast Insights 6. Research by Hubspot shows that 81% of businesses use video as a marketing strategy.   Google reports that 6/10 people prefer online video to TV   55% of people watch online videos daily, while 78% watch online videos every week. (Hubspot)   Mobile devices account for 75% of all video plays (eMarketer)  
7. The first podcast was broadcasted in the year 2004. 7. The first video recording was captured by John Logie Baird in 1927 (source)